He was 75 years old man. After cousulting several hospitals, a hospital reffered him to my clinic for OK-432 therapy.
This is her MRI before treatment. White lesions are lymphangiomas. This is very big cyst.
At first. I tried aspiration by small needle. Yellowish serous fluid was aspirated. There were maby lymphocytes in the cyst fkuid, Then, after aspiration of 12 ml cyst fluid, OK-432 1.5 KE susupended with 4 ml saline was injected.
This is the course after treatment. The next
day, he had high fever(39). His lymphangioma was swollen and reddened. This means good
response. 1 week after treatment, his lymphangioma was maximally swollen hard.
This was also very good response. 7 weeks after, his right neck swelling
became unpalpable.
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