What is OK-432 intracystic injection therapy?

OK-432 (picibanil) is a lyophilized streptococcal preparation made by penicillin treatment of the Su-strain of A-group streptococcus and it has been developed as an immunotherapy agent for cancer.
In Japan, OK-432 has been used since 1975 as an immunotherapy agent for cancer. When it is administered, a strong local inflammatory reaction is caused by activation of neutrophils and monocytes. When it is administered intraperitoneally or intrathoracically for patients with carcinomatous peritonitis or pleuritis, ascites and pleural effusion are decreased and adhesion of the cavity occurs. And also, It has been known that the local injection site of picibanil shows very strong inflammation, but it cures without scar (fibrosis) formation.
Dr. Ogita, he was a pediatric surgeon of Kyoto Prefectural University, paid attention to the fact that lymphangioma sometimes heals naturally after infection and he tried OK-432 for creating inflammation in lymphangioma and obtained a very good result (1986).  This therapy has become a treatment of first choice for lymphangioma of infant in Japan, because its effect is more certain than surgery and it is safe. We first tried OK-432 injection therapy for ranula in 1992 and confirmed that this therapy was also valid for ranula. After that, we have used OK-432 for other cystic diseases in Head & Neck area. We will show our method and results of intracystic OK-432 injection therapy in this home page.
At now, OK-432 can be commercially obtained only in Japan by Chugai Pharmaceutical Co.

From Left: Product of OK-432, OK-432 with Light microscope. OK-432 with Electron microscope, Package in Japan

Regrettably, Dr. Shuhei Ogita passed away 55 years young in 2003. I deeply thank his devotion to this incredible useful treatment.

Shuhei Ogita Fund(English and Spanish)

Together with little Carlos(Dr. Ogita's lecture in 1993)

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