Lingual cyst (8)

Recurrence after a surgery

Lingual cyst of 5 years old girl. She had lingual cyst for 5 months. She had a surgery 3 months ago. But, her ligual cyst reccured two and a half months after surgery.

0.5 KE of OK-432 was injected by highy concentrated OK-432 injection method. The next day, her cyst was swollen and color changed red. But, 1 week after, inflamatory response was rare. 2 weeks after, inflamatory response was rare too. So, I asked  her mother to come next week.

The second OK-432 treatment was done 3 weeks after the 1st treatment. 0.5 KE of OK-432 was injected. The nexxt day, her cyst was swollen and reddened. 1 week after, her cyst became small. Two weeks after, her cyst was almost disappeared. I was delighted to see the photograh. But, 3 days after, she came to me because small cyst was reccured. But, I could not treat because her cyst was too small. 3 weeks after the 2nd treatment, her cyst became almost as big as before treatment.

The 3rd treatment was done 4 weeks after the 2nd treatment. 0.5 KE of OK-432 was injected. The next day, her cyst was was swollen and reddened. 1 week after, her cyst became very small. 2 weeks after, her cyst was disappeared. After 3 weeks, the cyst was not seen. There was no recurrence for 3 months.

Patholoy of her resected cyst showed that cyst was completely removed. In pseudocyst such as ranula and lingual cyst, total removal does not mean cure. Cure or not cure only depends on stop or continue saliva leakage.

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