Lingual cyst (5)

Lingual cyst of 9 years old boy. He had lingual cyst for 5 months. The cyst was disappeared by only one OK-432 injection.

1 KE of OK-432 was injected by highy concentrated OK-432 injection method. The next day, his cyst was swollen and reddened. 1 week after, the cyst became hard and slightly small. 3 weeks after, the cyst became markedly small. 6 weeks after, the cyst was completely disappeared.

This is the typical course of OK-432 intracystic injection therapy. It takes 6 weeks to cure. 6 weeks is very long.  It is hard for me to remember what happened 6 weeks ago. One reason  why this therapy was not widely accepted may that doctors are not familiar the therapy which result cannnot be recognized soon.

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