Oral ranula (12)iCongenital ranulaj

She had ranula from birth.
Her ranula sometimes came into prominence from her mouth. The left two pictures were taken before she was 3 months old. The right two pictures were taken at her age of 11 months.
Also about new born patient, OK-432 intracystic injection therapy can be performed safely as an out patient basis.

The cyst wall of her ranula was very thin. Her ranula was sometimes spontaneously raptured before starting treatment. And, during OK-432 treatment her ranula raptured frequently. This is the reason why she needed a long time to cure.
But, 6 weeks after the 4th OK-432 injection (6 months after start of treatment), her ranula was completely disappeared without surgery and hospitalization.

There was no recurrence till 6 months after her last treatment.

This is 19 months after the last treatment. Her oral floor was normal and also teeth were normal.

If we try to treat her by surgery, the operation would be very difficult.
By OK-432 therapy, we can treat infant ranula easily.

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